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Tomcat 8 Connection Reset Large File Upload


Tomcat 8.v.45 (markt)


  • Code: Remove the code in the sendfile poller that ensured smaller pollsets were used with older, no longer supported versions of Windows that could not back up larger pollsets. (markt)

not released Tomcat 8.5.44 (markt)



Spider web applications

  • Fix: 63597: Update the custom 404 fault page for the Host Director to take account of previous refactoring so that the folio is used for 404 errors rather than falling dorsum to the default error folio. (markt)


2019-07-09 Tomcat 8.five.43 (markt)

2019-06-07 Tomcat 8.5.42 (markt)





  • Fix: Treat NoRouteToHostException the same way as SocketTimeoutException when checking the health of group members. This avoids a SEVERE log message every time the check is performed when the host associated with a grouping fellow member is non powered on. (markt)


2019-05-xiii Tomcat 8.5.41 (markt)

2019-04-12 Tomcat 8.5.40 (markt)

2019-03-nineteen Tomcat viii.5.39 (markt)

2019-02-08 Tomcat 8.5.38 (markt)





Web applications



2018-12-18 Tomcat viii.v.37 (markt)

not released Tomcat viii.5.36 (markt)




Web applications

  • Fix: 62918: Filter out subtype mbeans to avert breaking the connector condition folio. (remm)


2018-11-07 Tomcat viii.5.35 (markt)





  • Fix: 62731: Make the URI returned past HandshakeRequest.getRequestURI() and Session.getRequestURI() absolute so that the scheme, host and port are accessible. (markt)

Web applications


2018-09-10 Tomcat viii.five.34 (markt)




Web applications


  • Fix: Switch the build script to use http for downloads from an ASF mirror using the closer.lua script to avoid failures due to HTTPS to HTTP redirects. (rjung)

2018-08-17 Tomcat viii.5.33 (markt)

2018-06-25 Tomcat eight.5.32 (markt)

2018-05-03 Tomcat 8.five.31 (markt)






  • Fix: Avoid warning when running under Cygwin when the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS environment variable is not set. Patch provided by Zemian Deng. (markt)

2018-04-07 Tomcat viii.five.30 (markt)



Spider web applications


  • Fix: Add JMX support for FragmentationInterceptor in order to prevent alarm of startup. (kfujino)



2018-03-08 Tomcat 8.5.29 (markt)



Web applications


  • Update: Update the build script and then MD5 hashes are no longer generated for releases equally per the alter in the ASF distribution policy. (markt)

2018-02-11 Tomcat 8.five.28 (markt)

2018-01-22 Tomcat 8.5.27 (markt)

not released Tomcat 8.5.26 (markt)


  • Fix: Correct Javadoc errors in release build.

not released Tomcat 8.5.25 (markt)




Web applications


  • Fix: 61312: Prevent NullPointerException when using the statement cache of connection that has been closed. (kfujino)


2017-11-30 Tomcat 8.5.24 (markt)

2017-x-01 Tomcat 8.5.23 (markt)



  • Fix: 61563: Right typos in Castilian translation. Patch provided by Gonzalo Vásquez. (csutherl)

not released Tomcat viii.five.22 (markt)

2017-09-19 Tomcat 8.5.21 (markt)




Web applications

  • Fix: Prove connector naught list in the manager spider web application in the correct cipher order. (rjung)




2017-08-08 Tomcat 8.five.20 (markt)

2017-07-28 Tomcat 8.5.19 (markt)

not released Tomcat 8.five.18 (markt)

non released Tomcat 8.5.17 (markt)



Web applications

  • Fix: Remove references to the Loader aspect searchExternalFirst from the documentation since the attribute is no longer supported. (markt)

2017-06-26 Tomcat 8.v.16 (markt)





Spider web applications


  • Add: Add together JMX support for Tribes components. (kfujino)


2017-05-10 Tomcat 8.5.15 (markt)

2017-04-eighteen Tomcat viii.5.14 (markt)




  • Fix: 60925: Improve the handling of access to properties defined by interfaces when a BeanELResolver is used under a SecurityManager. (markt)



2017-03-30 Tomcat viii.five.xiii (markt)

2017-03-13 Tomcat 8.5.12 (markt)

2017-01-xvi Tomcat 8.5.eleven (markt)

not released Tomcat 8.5.10 (markt)

2016-12-08 Tomcat eight.5.ix (markt)

2016-11-08 Tomcat 8.5.8 (markt)


  • Fix: Cheque that threadPriority values used in AbstractProtocol are valid. (fschumacher)

not released Tomcat eight.5.7 (markt)



Spider web applications


  • Fix: When the proxy node sends a backup retrieve message, ensure that using the channelSendOptions that has been set rather than the default channelSendOptions. (kfujino)


2016-10-10 Tomcat viii.5.6 (markt)




  • Fix: 60101: Remove preloading of the class that was deleted. (violetagg)

Spider web applications



2016-09-05 Tomcat 8.v.5 (markt)





  • Fix: 59908: Ensure that a reason phrase is included in the close bulletin if a session is closed due to a timeout. (markt)

Web applications



2016-07-12 Tomcat eight.5.4 (markt)

2016-06-13 Tomcat 8.five.3 (markt)

2016-05-16 Tomcat 8.5.two (markt)


  • Fix: Ensure that annotated spider web components packed in web fragments will be processed when unpackWARs is enabled. (violetagg)

not released Tomcat viii.v.1 (markt)





Web applications



2016-03-24 Tomcat eight.5.0 (markt)



  • Update: The default HTTP cookie parser has been changed to org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor. (markt)
  • Code: Refactor cosmos of MapperListener to ensure that the Mapper used is the Mapper associated with the Service for which the listener was created. (markt)
  • Add: Move the functionality that provides redirects for context roots and directories where a trailing / is added from the Mapper to the DefaultServlet. This enables such requests to be processed by any configured Valves and Filters before the redirect is made. This behaviour is configurable via the mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled and mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled attributes of the Context which may be used to restore the previous behaviour. (markt)
  • Code: Refactor Service.getContainer() to return an Engine rather than a Container. (markt)
  • Fix: 34319: Only load those keys in StoreBase.processExpire from JDBCStore that are onetime enough to be expired. Based on a patch past Tom Anderson. (fschumacher)
  • Add: 58351: Brand the server build date and server version number accessible via JMX. Patch provided by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
  • Add: 56917: As per RFC7231 (HTTP/one.i), allow HTTP/ and later redirects to apply relative URIs. This is controlled by a new attribute useRelativeRedirects on the Context and defaults to true. (markt)
  • Fix: 58629: Allow an embedded Tomcat instance to starting time when the Service has no Engine configured. (markt)
  • Fix: Correctly notify the MapperListener associated with a Service if the Engine for that Service is changed. (markt)
  • Add: Make a web awarding's CredentialHandler available through a context attribute. This allows a spider web awarding to use the aforementioned algorithm for validating or generating new stored credentials from cleartext ones. (schultz)
  • Fix: 58635: Enable break points to be set within agent code when running Tomcat with a Coffee amanuensis. Based on a patch by Huxing Zhang. (markt)
  • Fix: Stock-still potential NPE in HostConfig while deploying an application. Issue reported by coverity browse. (violetagg)
  • Fix: 58655: Ready an IllegalStateException when calling HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() with the RemoteIpFilter. This was caused past trying to correctly generate the absolute URI for the redirect. With the fix for 56917, redirects may now be relative making the sendRedirect() implementation for the RemoteIpFilter much simpler. This also addresses bug where the redirect may not have behaved as expected when redirecting from http to https to from https to http. (markt)
  • Fix: 58657: Exceptions in a Servlet 3.1 ReadListener or WriteListener do not demand to be immediately fatal to the connection. Permit an error response to exist written. (markt)
  • Fix: Correct implementation of validateClientProvidedNewSessionId so client provided session IDs may be rejected if validation is enabled. (markt)
  • Fix: 58701: Reset the instanceInitialized field in StandardWrapper when unloading a Servlet and so that a new example may be correctly initialized. (markt)
  • Update: Add together a new flag aprPreferred to the April listener. if set to false, when using the connector defaults, it will employ NIO + OpenSSL if tomcat-native is bachelor, rather than the Apr connector. (remm)
  • Fix: Add together path parameter handling to HttpServletRequest.getContextPath(). This is a follow-upwardly to the fix for 57215. (markt)
  • Fix: 58692: Make StandardJarScanner more robust. Log a alarm if a grade path entry cannot be scanned rather than triggering the failure of the web awarding. Includes a test example written by Derek Abdine. (markt)
  • Fix: 58702: Ensure an access log entry is generated if the client aborts the connection. (markt)
  • Fix: Stock-still various issues reported by Findbugs. (violetagg)
  • Fix: 58735: Add support for the X-XSS-Protection header to the HttpHeaderSecurityFilter. Patch provided by Jacopo Cappellato. (markt)
  • Fix: Add the StatusManagerServlet to the list of Servlets that tin only exist loaded by privileged applications. (markt)
  • Fix: Simplify code and fix messages in org.apache.catalina.cadre.DefaultInstanceManager class. (kkolinko)
  • Fix: 58751: Correctly handle the case where an AsyncListener dispatches to a Servlet on an asynchronous timeout and the Servlet uses sendError() to trigger an error folio. Includes a test case based on code provided by Andy Wilkinson.(markt)
  • Fix: Ensure that the proper file encoding, if specified, will be used when a readme file is served by DefaultServlet. (violetagg)
  • Fix: Fix declaration of localPort attribute of Connector MBean: it is read-only. (kkolinko)
  • Fix: 58766: Make skipping non-grade files during notation scanning faster by checking the file name offset. Improve debug logging. (kkolinko)
  • Fix: 58768: Log a alarm if a redirect fails because of an invalid location. (markt)
  • Code: 58827: Remove remains of JSR-77 implementation. (markt)
  • Fix: 58836: Correctly merge query string parameters when processing a forwarded asking where the target includes a query string that contains a parameter with no value. (markt/kkolinko)
  • Fix: Brand sure that shared Digester is reset in an unlikely error case in HostConfig.deployWAR(). (kkolinko)
  • Add: Extend the feature bachelor in the cluster session manager implementations that enables session attribute replication to be filtered based on attribute name to all session manager implementations. Note that configuration attribute name has changed from sessionAttributeFilter to sessionAttributeNameFilter. Employ the filter on load as well as unload to ensure that configuration changes made while the web application is stopped are practical to any persisted data. (markt)
  • Add: Extend the session attribute filtering options to include filtering based on the implementation class of the value and optional WARN level logging if an aspect is filtered. These options are available for all of the Managing director implementations that ship with Tomcat. When a SecurityManager is used filtering will be enabled by default. (markt)
  • Code: Remove distributable and maxInactiveInterval from the Manager interface because the attributes are never used. The equivalent attributes from the Context always take precedence. (markt)
  • Fix: 58867: Improve checking on Host showtime for State of war files that have been modified while Tomcat has stopped and re-expand them if unpackWARs is true. (markt)
  • Fix: 58900: Correctly undeploy symlinked resource and prevent an infinite cycle of deploy / undeploy. (markt)
  • Fix: Protect initialization of ResourceLinkFactory when running with a SecurityManager. (kkolinko)
  • Fix: Correct a thread safety issue in the filtering of session attributes based on the implementing form proper name of the value object. (markt)
  • Fix: Set up class loader decision on the delegation for class loading and resource lookup and get in faster likewise. (rjung)
  • Fix: 58905: Ensure that Tomcat.silence() silences the right logger and respects the current setting. (markt)
  • Fix: 58946: Ensure that the request parameter map remains immutable when processing via a RequestDispatcher. (markt)
  • Fix: Ensure that /Web-INF/classes is never processed equally a web fragment. (markt)
  • Update: Switch default connector when native is installed. Unless configured otherwise, the NIO endpoint will be used by default. If SSL is configured, OpenSSL volition be used rather than JSSE. (remm)
  • Fix: Correct a regression in the ready for 58867. When configuring a Context to employ an external directory for the docBase, and that directory happens to exist located along side the original State of war, use the directory every bit the docBase rather than expanding the State of war into the appBase and using the newly created expanded directory as the docBase. (markt)
  • Add: 58988: Special characters in the substitutions for the RewriteValve can now be quoted with a backslash. (fschumacher)
  • Fix: 58999: Fix course and resource name filtering in WebappClassLoader. It throws a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if the name is exactly "org" or "javax". (rjung)
  • Add: Add JASPIC (JSR-196) support. (markt)
  • Add: Make checking for var and map replacement in RewriteValve a bit stricter and right detection of colon in var replacement. (fschumacher)
  • Fix: Refactor the spider web application class loader to reduce the impact of JAR scanning on the memory footprint of the web application. (markt)
  • Fix: Fix some resources leaks in the error handling for accessing files from JARs and WARs. (markt)
  • Fix: Refactor the JAR and JAR-in-State of war resource handling to reduce the retentivity footprint of the spider web application. (markt)
  • Fix: Refactor the spider web.xml parsing and then a new parser is created every time the spider web application starts rather than creating and caching the parser when the Context is created. This enables the parser to accept account of modified Context configuration parameters and reduces (slightly) the retentivity footprint of a running Tomcat instance. (markt)
  • Update: Switch the web application class loader to the ParallelWebappClassLoader past default. (markt)
  • Fix: 57809: Remove the custom context attribute that held the effective web.xml. Components needing admission to configuration information may admission it via the Servlet API. (markt)
  • Fix: Refactor JAR scanning to reduce memory footprint. (markt)
  • Fix: 59001: Correctly handle the case when Tomcat is installed on a path where 1 of the segments ends in an exclamation mark. (markt)
  • Fix: Expand the fix for 59001 to cover the special sequences used in Tomcat'due south custom jar:war: URLs. (markt)
  • Fix: 59043: Avoid warning while expiring sessions associated with a single sign on if HttpServletRequest.logout() is used. (markt)
  • Fix: 59054: Ensure that using the CrawlerSessionManagerValve in a distributed surround does not trigger an error when the Valve registers itself in the session. (markt)
  • Fix: Add socket backdrop support to storeconfig. (remm)
  • Fix: Ready incorrect parsing of the NE and NC flags in rewrite rules. (remm)
  • Fix: 59065: Correct the timing of the check for colons in paths on non-Windows systems implemented in so it works correctly with Cygwin. Patch provided past Ed Randall. (markt)
  • Fix: When a Host is configured with an appBase that does not be, create the appBase before trying to expand an external War file into information technology. (markt)
  • Fix: 59115: When using the Servlet 3.0 file upload, the submitted file name may exist provided equally a token or a quoted-string. If a quoted-string, unquote the string earlier returning information technology to the user. (markt)
  • Fix: 59123: Shut NamingEnumeration objects used past the JNDIRealm once they are no longer required. (fschumacher/markt)
  • Add: Implement the proposed Servlet 4.0 API to provide mapping type information for the electric current request. (markt)
  • Fix: 59138: Right a false positive warning for ThreadLocal related memory leaks when the fundamental grade only not the value class has been loaded past the web awarding course loader. (markt)
  • Add: 59017: Make the pre-compressed file support in the Default Servlet generic then whatsoever compression may be used rather than simply gzip. Patch provided by Mikko Tiihonen. (markt)
  • Fix: 59145: Don't log an invalid alarm when a user logs out of a session associated with SSO. (markt)
  • Fix: 59150: Add an additional flag on April listener to let disabling automatic utilize of OpenSSL. (remm)
  • Fix: 59151: Fix a regression in the ready for 56917 that added boosted (and arguably unnecessary) validation to the provided redirect location. (markt)
  • Fix: 59154: Fix a NullPointerException in the JAASMemoryLoginModule resulting from the introduction of the CredentialHandler to Realmsouthward. (schultz/markt)





Web applications





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